Joy of Man's Desiring
aka Que ta joie demeure
First screened in September 2014
Director: Denis Côté. Documentary about personal and mechanical facets of labor in a contemporary factory. With Guillaume Tremblay, Hamidou Savadogo, Ted Pluviose, Olivier Aubin, Emilie Sigouin. Screenplay: Denis Côté.

Twitter Capsule: Côté's lingering on human and machinic labor power never yields a full idea or clear perspective.

VOR:   Côté has an interesting eye and a keen ear, but sometimes both can get a bit blunt. Sustains the observational outlook of Bestiaire but I'm starting to have questions.

Photo © 2014 TLA Releasing/Proton Cinema/Café Film/I'm Film/Unafilm

Not yet reviewed in full. Grade: C+

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